3.1. Privacy Policy.
3.2. Legal Notice.
3.3. Cost of items.
3.4. Payment options.
3.5. Calculation of shipping costs.
3.6. Delivery of orders.
3.7. Guarantee of the articles.
3.8. Deadline for returns.
3.9. Articles.
3.10. Tracking orders.


1.- FAQ.

Here is a short list of common questions to help you with most common questions as quickly as possible, however if you do not find the answer to your problem do please contact us.

1.1.- Is VAT included in prices?
1.2.- Do you arrange international shipments?
1.3.- What is the availability of the articles?
1.4.- When will I receive my order?
1.5.- How I can track my order?
1.6.- How I can cancel or change my order?
1.7.- What if I want a change on an item?
1.8.- What documentation is received with the purchase?
1.9.- What if my product is damaged?
1.10.- What is your returns policy?
1.11.- Is ONHORSE13.COM a secure site?
1.12.- How will you use my data?



1.1.- Is VAT included in prices?
All website prices INCLUDE VAT As a general rule Value Added Tax is applied at 16% tax rate for the EU where the tax applies. From July 1, 2010 the rate will, as a general rule, be 18%. For sales to any other country VAT will not apply, however the customs systems of each country apply their own relevant tax.
Because of their special tax regimes purchases by customers in the areas considered non-geographical areas, such as the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla are exempt from VAT (the costs of customs clearance and import taxes are not included in the price of the item or the shipment, and must be paid on arrival by the receiver of the goods).

1.2.- Do you make international shipments?

Yes we do. For purchases destined for countries outside the European Economic Community VAT does not apply, however, will not be responsible for country-specific taxes, tariffs or shipping charges.

1.3.- How is the availability of the articles?
Below the tab of each item are listed all the options for size, colour and width of each article, there is a column that states the availability of each item by colour, those colours signify:
-If the colour is red, the number of items available is zero.
-If the colour is green, the number of items available is greater than five.
-If the colour marking is between red and green, the number of items available is less than, or equal to five.
Also, if you pass your mouse cursor over the colours, the page shows the total stock of each combination for the article. If we stock, we can do two things:
-Buy exactly the stock you require -marking the page.
-Or, buy the stock that is available but onhorse13.com will wait to make e shipment until all stock is available. Onhorse13.com will inform the client by e-mail or telephone of the approximate date of your order.

1.4.- When will I receive my order?

Onhorse13.com work from Monday till Friday, your order will normally be placed within 24 hours or 48 hours after you have placed your order (provided that the article is in stock) and once payment has been made Please remember that on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays neither national or local deliveries are not made. These deadlines are only for orders which have their delivery address in the Iberian PeninsOnhorse13.com cannot be liable for delays in delivery by the carrier for reasons beyond the normal operation of transport services, such as strikes, accidents, etc.

1.5.- How can I track my order?

At all times you can track both national and international shipments. There is a banner on the left side information with a direct link to our logistics operators, both SEUR as UPS.
The way it works is as follows:
-For national shipments you can view the status of your order at www.seur.com
-For international shipments track your order at www.ups.es.
Enter order number given when you completed the purchase process.
The data on the pages of our logistics operators are provided directly by them, so we are not responsible for the outcome.
You can also contact Customer Service on 902 76 06 23, or send an e-mail providing your name and order number: 902 76 06 23

1.6.- How I can cancel or change my order?
You can change or cancel your order by contacting Customer Service on 902 76 06 23, or by sending an e-mail to info@onhorse13.com with your name and order number, this is provided that the order has not already been issued, where this is the case you may return the order by return freight.

1.7.- What if I want a change on an item?
Onhorse13.com can make changes to an item either in colours, size, etc. .., for this you must contact us in writing and ask for an estimate for the amendment required. Onhorse13 will reply in writing if such modification or "special item" request can be performed, accompanied by any cost of such an amendment.
To proceed to make such a change the client must transfer 50% of the cost r in advance, once onhorse13.con have made such the modification, the customer must transfer the remaining amount to proceed. NOTE: Do not return any item that is treated as a "special" or has received an amendment requested by the client, unless the article has a defect or an error has occurred when making the change.

1.8.- �Qu� documento se recibe con la compra?
When making your purchase in onhorse13.com you will receive inside the package an invoice which contains details of the items you've purchased, as well as personal data entered when making a purchase.

1.9.- What if my product is in poor condition?

If the product has clear signs of r damage or signs of damage related to transportation, you must notify onhorse13.com via e-mail (info@onhorse13.com) of the damage within 24 hours after receipt of order. Obvious damage must also be reported on the carrier�s delivery note.

1.10.- Can you return an order?

In accordance with the provisions of art. 44 of Law 7 / 1996 of 15 January the customer is entitled to revoke the order requested within seven (7) days of receipt, see Onhorse13.com communication.

1.11.- Is it safe to shop at ONHORSE13.COM?
To offer maximum security, all sensitive information used in the card payment process (TPV) is performed by a link to the pages of your bank itself which uses the HTTPS security protocol, so data is transferred in encrypted form and filed by ONHORSE13.com.
The rest of the input data, stored in a database created and maintained under the responsibility of ONHORSE13, SL is governed by Law 15/1999 as you will see in our Privacy Policy.

1.12.- How will you use my data?

ONHORSE13, SL ensures security and confidentiality of data. In this way, it is committed to fulfilling its obligation of confidentiality of personal data and its duty to protect them and take all necessary measures to prevent alteration, loss, or unauthorized use. No information about our customers will be used for commercial purposes or given to third parties. ONHORSE13 customers, SL may at any time exercise their rights of access, amendment, cancellation or deletion by writing to our e-mail or in writing info@onhorse13.com ONHORSE13, SL Martinez Street Siliceo February 2 to 4 � B 37 003 SALAMANCA.
ONHORSE13, S.L. garantiza la seguridad y confidencialidad de los datos facilitados. De este modo, se compromete al cumplimiento de su obligaci�n de secreto de los datos de car�cter personal y de su deber de guardarlos y adoptar todas las medidas necesarias para evitar su alteraci�n, p�rdida, tratamiento o uso no autorizado. Por lo tanto, toda la informaci�n sobre nuestros clientes no ser� utilizada con prop�sitos comerciales ni ser� cedida a terceros. Los clientes de ONHORSE13, S.L. podr�n en todo momento ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificaci�n, cancelaci�n y oposici�n, comunic�ndolo por escrito a nuestra direcci�n de correo electr�nico info@onhorse13.com o por escrito a ONHORSE13, S.L. calle Mart�nez Siliceo 2-4 2�B 37003 SALAMANCA.




Onhorse13, SL is an Internet marketing company that has its head office in Spain: Calle Mart�nez Siliceo, 2-4 2nd B 37003 Salamanca.
Entered in the register of Salamanca, Book 401, Page 147, Sheet SA-13 184, 1st entry, provided CIF N � B37491578.

Purchases and collateral management or post sale are exclusively through our website. We do not have a physical store which to serve our customers.



3.1.- Privacy Policy

In compliance with the provisions of Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, ONHORSE13, SL informs its customers that all personal data provided will be included in an automated data personal character, created and maintained under the responsibility of ONHORSE13, SL The purpose of this file is to facilitate the processing of orders and, in the event that you have expressly authorized in the appropriate box, we may also send you communications about products and services that may be of interest. This may be communicated to other Group companies for this purpose.
ONHORSE13, SL ensures security and confidentiality of data. In this way, it is committed to fulfilling its obligation of security of personal data and its duty to protect them and take all necessary measures to prevent alteration, loss, or unauthorized use. Therefore, all information about our customers will not be used for commercial purposes or given to third parties. ONHORSE13 customers, SL may at any time exercise their rights of access, correction, cancellation or deletion by writing to our email address info@onhorse13.com.


In compliance with the reporting obligations contained in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce, and states the following: The owner of this website is ONHORSE13, SL ., With the following information: Owner Domain ONHORSE13, SL . Headquarters Address: calle Mart�nez Siliceo, 2-4 2 B 37 003 Salamanca - General Email: info@onhorse13.com - Registration information: CIF B37491578
3.2.2.- USERS
Access and / or use of portals ONHORSE13, SL, attributes the status of USER, which accepts, from such access and / or use, the General Conditions of Use listed here. The above conditions apply regardless of the general terms and conditions that result if mandatory.
The websites of ONHORSE13, SL, provide access to a multitude of information, services, programs or data (hereinafter "content") on the Internet belonging to ONHORSE13, SL, or its licensors to which the user can access. The User assumes responsibility for the use of the WEB PAGE. This responsibility extends to recording whatever was necessary to access certain services or contents. When registering, you are responsible for providing true and fair dealing. As a result of this registration, the user may provide a password to be responsible, pledging to make a diligent and confidential use of it. The USER undertakes to make appropriate use of the content and services ONHORSE13, SL, offers through its website and by way of example but not limited to not use them for (i) engaging in illegal activities, illegal or contrary to good faith and public policy, (ii) disseminate content or propaganda of racist, xenophobic, pornographic, illegal, or advocacy of terrorism or human rights, (iii) cause damage to the physical and logical systems ONHORSE13, SL ., its suppliers or third parties, introducing or spreading computer viruses or any other hardware or software capable of causing the aforementioned damage, (iv) attempting to access and, where appropriate, use the accounts of e-mail from other users and change or manipulate their messages. ONHORSE13, SL reserves the right to remove any comments and contributions that violate the respect for human dignity, which are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, offensive to youth or children, order or public safety or, in our view, are not suitable for publication. In any case, ONHORSE13, SL, is not responsible for the opinions expressed by users through forums, chats, or other tools of participation.
ONHORSE13, SL, by itself or as an assignee, is entitled to all rights of intellectual property of its websites, as well as the elements contained in it (not limited to, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts, trademarks or logos, colours combinations, structure and design, choice of materials used, the computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, etc ...), ONHORSE13 ownership, SL . or its licensors. All rights reserved. Under the provisions of Articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Copyright Act are expressly prohibited reproduction, distribution and public communication, including their means of making provision for all or part of the contents of this website for commercial purposes, in any form or by any technical means, without the authorization of ONHORSE13, SL The user undertakes to respect the rights of intellectual property owned by ONHORSE13, SL You can view the elements of the various websites and print, copy and store in your computer's hard disk or other medium, provided this is solely and exclusively for personal and private use. The USER shall not remove, alter, evade or manipulate any protection device or security system that was installed in the pages of ONHORSE13, SL.
ONHORSE13, SL is not liable under any circumstances for damages of any kind which may cause but not limited to errors or omissions in the content, lack of availability of the portal or the transmission of viruses or malicious software or harmful content, despite having taken all the necessary technological measures to prevent it.
ONHORSE13, SL reserves the right to make unannounced changes it deems appropriate in its websites, it may change, delete or add content and services provided through the same as the form in which they are presented or located in their websites.
ONHORSE13, SL may use cookies to personalize and facilitate the navigation of the maximum users for their websites. The cookies are only associated with an anonymous USER and your computer and do not provide information which might enable USER's personal data. The user can configure your browser to notify and reject the installation of cookies sent by ONHORSE13, SL, without affecting the ability of the user to access the Content.
3.2.8.- LINKS
In the event that the sites were arranged links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites, ONHORSE13, SL does not exercise any control over such sites and content. In any case ONHORSE13, SL, does not assume any responsibility for the content of any link belonging to an external website, nor guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, comprehensiveness, accuracy, validity or constitutionality of any material or information contained in any of these hyperlinks or other Internet sites. Similarly, the inclusion of these external links does not imply any association, merger or involvement with the entities connected.
ONHORSE13, SL reserves the right to refuse or withdraw access to their websites and / or services offered without notice, on its own or a third party to those users who violate these Terms of Use.
ONHORSE13, SL, pursue the breach of these conditions and any misuse of their websites, exercising all civil and criminal actions that it can by law.
ONHORSE13, SL may at any time modify the conditions specified here, being duly published "as is". The validity of these conditions shall be according to their exposure and are valid until altered by other duly published.
The relationship between ONHORSE13, SL and the USER shall be governed by Spanish legislation and any dispute shall be submitted to courts and tribunals of the city of Salamanca.

3.3.- Price items

All prices shown in our website INCLUDE VAT In relation to Value Added Tax as a general rule will apply 16% tax rate for the territory of the EU where the tax applies. From July 1, 2010 the rate would be as a general rule be 18%. For sales to any other country VAT will not be applied, however the customs systems of each country apply their relevant taxes.
Because of their special tax regime, being considered non-geographical areas, the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla residents are exempt from VAT (the costs of customs clearance and import taxes are not included in the price of the item or the shipment, and must be paid on arrival by the receiver of the goods).

3.4.-Payment systems

In onhorse13.com we offer different payment methods for you to use e. These can be chosen during the purchase process, once you have verified the shopping cart.
Credit card payment

When you select this method, the purchase process will link to the appropriate bank page t, thus the data are not retained by onhorse13.com but are sent directly through a secure protocol (HTTPS) to the bank that operates onhorse13. com. Thus, we offer maximum safety and confidence.
The charge on your card will be made at the precise moment to validate the payment. If there is any problem with stock for your order, there will be a refund on your credit card within a period not exceeding 15 days from the date of completed service.
For security reasons Onhorse13.com reserves the right to refuse any transaction carried out by credit card. In this case repayment will be made on the original card. If the client is then interested in progressing with the purchase of items a transfer will be requested.
After payment, you will be advised of the outcome and if successful, we will send you an e-mail with the details and order confirmation.

PayPal payment system

In Onhorse13 you can use PayPal payment system. The link is located in the lower part of the shopping cart either if you have a PayPal account or you want to create a new one while doing the payment. If you are a PayPal user your purchase will be done when you validate the user, with no invoicing and delivery data fulfillment requirement. Right after clicking in PayPal, validation and acceptance of the payment is done through a protected and encrypted by PayPal system. Onhorse13 is not responsible of this process.

Transfer Payment

If during the process you choose this payment system, your order will be pending receipt of confirmation of receipt of funds by the bank. The delivery time is counted from that date. You will receive at the end of the buying process an e-mail with details and confirmation of the order along with the following bank details for you to make a bank transfer.

Beneficiary: ONHORSE13, S.L.
Current Account number: 2104/0000/11/9158010595
IBAN: ES64 0182 5506 32 0201512524 BIC / SWIFT CODE: BBVAESMM

To expedite and ensure the transfers received from abroad, you must provide the issuer BIC and IBAN codes. It is very important that the field SENDER indicates the following: Order Number - Your name and surname.
After the period of 5 days of placing an order if there has been no entry into the bank the order will be automatically be cancelled.

Payment by cash on delivery (only for the Iberian Peninsula)

From ONHORSE13.com we also offer payment by COD. This method is only available as long as the shipping address is in the Peninsula. It is not possible to use this for Ceuta, Melilla or the Canary Islands.

This facility is a charge by the company a management fees of 2% on total order cost (postage included) or a minimum of 3.50 �.

3.5.-Calculation of shipping costs.

For shipments within the Iberian Peninsula (Including Balearic Islands)
This will be freight prepaid, if the order is more than 70 euros. For lower priced orders there will be a charge at a fixed rate of 9 euros (must add a corresponding VAT).
For shipments to the Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla and Andorra.
The delivery costs for the Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla and Andorra are:
For orders between 0 and 300 �: 14,95 �.
For orders more than 300 �: 19,95 �.
The orders sent to these areas will not have VAT applied to them. Onhorse13.com will not take charge of taxes, customs tariff or office charges for the communities above.
The customs expenses are the following:
Orders for less than 150 �.
Set charge. 34,60 �
Customs tariff: percentage calculation of the total amount of the purchase depending on the type of article.
Orders for more than 150 �
Set charge: 46,45 �
Customs tariff: percentage calculation of the total amount of the purchase depending on the type of article.
For shipments to the EU Countries. (Except Cyprus and Malta)
The delivery costs for the EU Countries are:
For orders between 0 and 100 �: 9,95 �. (+ V.A.T.)
For orders between 100 and 400 �: 15,95 �. (+ V.A.T)
For orders more than 400 �: Free.
For the remaining countries
The freight is based on the volumetric weight of the goods, that cost will be calculated by the web before making payment. For purchases destined for countries outside the European Economic Community VAT does not apply, however, Onhorse13.com will not be responsible for country-specific taxes, tariffs or shipping charges.

3.6.- Deadline for submission of orders.

Depending on the time of day you order, shipments are delivered following24/48 hours after making the purchase through the website, although these delivery times are approximate, and in any case, a delay in delivery times does not entitle the customer to compensation.

Delivery times are calculated on working days (Monday through Friday) since Onhorse13.com not fulfill orders on holidays, Saturdays or Sundays.

In the case of any inventory shortage, delay or unavailability, we will inform you immediately and give a new deadline, or if it is not possible to provide the product, we will cancel.

3.7.- Assurance Articles

Onhorse13.com customers benefit from the guarantee given by the various manufacturers of each of the articles. Defects or damage due to incorrect use or manipulation of the material or wear caused by normal use thereof, are not included in this guarantee.
There is a further exception for those products not e intended to be used for racing, all others will be the assurance given by the manufacturer. This is because a large portion of our products are items for extreme use in competitions.

3.8.- Deadline for returns

In accordance with the provisions of art. 44 of Law 7 / 1996 of 15 January relating to e retail, the customer is entitled to revoke the order requested within seven (7) days of receipt, to Onhorse13.com by communication in writing.

These conditions t can cause a change:

3.8.1- That the product does not satisfy.
May be changed if the product has not been unsealed and is perfect condition. No refund of the purchase price but credit can be used for another item for the same amount or higher. Shipping costs and the price difference if any, shall be borne by the person making the change.

3.8.2- If the product is faulty from the beginning.
Once Onhorse13.com has received the faulty item, you will be sent another. In this case the change will always be for the same item or reference. You will only pay the first shipping cost,Onhorse13.com will payoff postage for the return and new shipment.

3.8.3- If the product does not match the order placed.
Onhorse13.com will bear the cost of collecting the incorrect item and for the delivery of the order placed.
Onhorse13.com cannot perform any forwarding of goods until it has verified the receipt and status of packaging of items being returned or in our warehouse.
If the product has clear signs of deterioration or damage or signs of damage related to transportation, you must notify onhorse13.com vial e-mail (info@onhorse13.com) of the damage within 24 hours of receipt of order. Obvious damage must be reported in addition on the carriers� delivery note.

3.9.- Special Items

Onhorse13.com can make changes on an item either in colours, size, etc. .., for this you must contact us in writing and ask for an estimate on the amendment required.
Onhorse13 will reply in writing if such modification or "special item" can be performed, accompanied by a quote for such an amendment.
To proceed to make such a change the client must transfer 50% of the offer in advance, once onhorse13.con have made the modification, the customer must transfer the remaining amount to proceed with the submission.
NOTE: Do not return any item that is treated as a "special" or has received an amendment requested by the client, unless the article has a defect or an error has occurred when making the change.

3.10.- Location of orders

At all times you can track where your order is for both domestic and international shipments.
We have a banner on the left side information with a direct link to our logistics operators, both SEUR as UPS.
The way of working is as follows:
- For domestic shipments you can view the status of your order at www.seur.com
- For international shipments you can view the status of your order at www.ups.es.
Enter the order number to, you are given when completing your purchases. Both on screen and e-mail will have been sent an order number with the order details.
The data that appears in the pages of our logistics operators are provided directly by them, so we are not responsible for this service.
You can also contact Customer Service on 902 76 06 23, or send an e-mail providing your name and order number.

Pago y envío seguros



+34 672 09 30 77
Lunes a Viernes
Mañanas 9h -14h / Tardes 16 h -19 h



© 2024 ONHORSE13
Todos los derechos reservados.